Quick Link: Notice of Race
Sailing Instructions
- All racing at THSC will be governed by the rules as defined in the ISAF Racing Rules of Sailing, the prescriptions of the CYA and these instructions.
- The THSC Race Committee reserves the right to amend these sailing instructions. Amendments will be posted on the THSC Race notice board at least one hour prior to the first start of the race for which they will be in force.
- In the event that there are insufficient race committee crew for any club race, the Race Fleet Captain may call on crew from as many boats as necessary to make up a race committee.
- It is the sole responsibility of each boat to determine whether they will start or continue in any race.
- If the Race Committee determines that it is unsafe for them to participate in any race, that race will be cancelled.
Changes to Sailing Instructions
Any changes to the sailing instructions will be posted before 11:00AM on the club notice board (located in the breezeway) on the day it will take effect.
Communication with Competitors
On the water, the Race Committee intends to monitor and communicate with competitors on VHF channel 73.
Fleet Divisions
- Division 1 – Spinnaker (All PHRF). Identified by numeral pennant 1).
- Division 2 – White Sail (PHRF rating < 220). Identified by numeral pennant 2.
- Division 3 – White Sail (PHRF rating >=220). Identified by numeral pennant 3.
There will only be two starts, which will be Division I and II combined, followed by Division III.
Schedule of races
The Ice Breaker Race will occur on May 18, 2024. There will be one race with the scheduled time of the warning signal for the first start being 12:00 pm. To alert boats that a race is about to begin soon, the orange starting line flag will be displayed with one sound signal at least 5 minutes before a warning signal is made.
The course for both white sails and spinnaker divisions will consist of:
- Start between the committee boat and the downwind mark
- Upwind leg to mark on ABYC race course as denoted on the stern of the committee boat
- Turn around the windward mark as denoted by the flag on the stern of the committee boat at the start. Green flag will require rounding the mark to starboard; red flag will require rounding the mark to port.
- Take T2 Buoy to starboard (43° 33.660’N – 79° 20.778’W)
- Take T1 Buoy to starboard (43° 36.635’N – 79° 20.998’W)
- Take Gibraltar Point mark to port (43° 36.312’N – 79° 23.494’W)
- Take T1 Buoy to port
- Take T2 Buoy to port
- Finish between the committee boat and mark 7
0 | N 43°38.323’ | W 079°18.114’ |
1 | N 43°38.736’ | W 079°17.723’ |
2 | N 43°38.415’ | W 079°17.435’ |
3 | N 43°38.055’ | W 079°17.535’ |
4 | N 43°37.833’ | W 079°17.987’ |
5 | N 43°37.911’ | W 079°18.505’ |
6 | N 43°38.232’ | W 079°18.793’ |
7 | N 43°38.607’ | W 079°18.684’ |
8 | N 43°38.815’ | W 079°18.241’ |

Starting and Finishing Procedures
- The raising of the orange flag on the Race Committee vessel shows that the start line has been established and the Race Committee vessel is on station.
- The start line will be between the halyard carrying the orange flag and the starting mark. The starting mark can be any one of fixed mark course marks or any other mark as established by the Race Committee vessel.
- The starting area is a box that extends one half the length of the starting line ahead of and behind the starting line. It also extends one half of the length of the starting line past either end of the line.
- Boats in their start sequence have priority in the starting area over boats that are either intending to race or not, that are not in their start sequence, and such boats will make all attempts to be outside the start area.
- All races on the permanent course will be sailed leaving marks to port. Other races will follow their appropriate Notice of Race
- The raising of the blue flag on the committee boat shows that the finish line has been established and the committee boat is on station.
- Curfew will be 16:00. In the event that any boat within a Division finishes within the time, there will be an extension of 10 minutes for the remaining boats in that Division. The Race Committee boat will make 4 sound signals in rapid succession to signify end of time for all Divisions.
- Any boat that fails to start within 10 minutes of their start signal will automatically recorded as DNS (Did Not Start) with no right of appeal.
Starting Sequence
Races shall follow starting sequence rule 26
Warning | Class Flag up | 1 sound signal Gun | 5 minutes from start |
Preparatory | P Flag up | 1 sound signal Horn | 4 minutes from start |
One minute | P Flag down | 1 sound signal Horn | 1 minute from start |
Start | Class Flag down | 1 Sound signal Gun | 0 |
- There will be at least one minute between the start of one class and the warning signal of the following class.
- If the Answering Pennant flag has been raised, to indicate postponement, then its drop will be accompanied by one sound signal, and this will signify 1 minute to the warning.
Other Signals
Change of course
- Race Committee will fly code flag “C” and will signal boats by continuous sounds – either horns or whistles and new course will be displayed on white board on Race Committee vessel.
Shorten Course
- Race Committee will fly code flag “S” accompanied by two sound signals when on station.
- Boats will finish between the mark and the Race Committee vessel.
- All attempts will be made to indicate shorten by the halfway point in the leg to allow boats to adjust tactics accordingly.
- Race Committee will fly Answering Pennant, accompanied by two sound signals.
- Race Committee will fly code flag “N”, accompanied by three sound signals.
- This is a FRIENDLY series and your Race Committee would like this to continue. Avoid putting yourself in violation of the rules and if a situation arises, do your penalty and get on with racing. You can learn from your mistakes back on shore.
- Know your current CYA/ISAF racing Rules of Sailing, and have a copy on board.
- If you wish to protest a potential infringement of the rules, then the following must take place:
- A red protest flag must be flown, and verbal notice of protest given to the other boats involved as soon as possible after the incident occurs.
- The Race Committee should be notified of the protest at the earliest opportunity. Please note, that waiting until the end of the race is too late and your protest will be disallowed.
- Protest forms (available from the Racing Fleet Captain must be completed and presented to the Racing Fleet Captain within 30 minutes of the docking of the Race Committee vessel. Please note that at a minimum, this should contain the protesting vessel name, the name of the vessel being protested and a description of the alleged incident.
- Any protest will be considered immediately after the involved race with an arbitration hearing between the protesting skippers and one or both of the THSC Club Judges. If an acceptable decision can be reached by the parties involved, no further action will be taken. This could include withdrawal of the protest.
- If an acceptable decision cannot be reached, the protest will be heard by a pro tem committee of 3, drawn up by the Racing Fleet Captain or the Rear Commodore.
- All race series will be scored with each race counting for equal points under the low point scoring system (e.g. First = 1 point, Second = 2 points, Third = 3 points etc).
- DNF will score the number of boats in the same division that started in a given race plus 1.
- DSQ will score the number of boats that started in a given race plus 2.
- DNS will score the number of boats registered in the Division for the series or race plus 2.
- For the trophies that will be awarded in Series I, II or III in the Wednesday Night Races, the best 4 places will be counted. If there are 4 or less races in a series completed then all will count.
- For Overall Season Trophies in each Division, the best 10 placings in all 3 series will be counted. If fewer than 10 races are completed, then all will count.
Plaques will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd for each division. If there are boats that are competing from other clubs, then they are eligible for these plaques.
Race and Overall Season Trophies will be awarded for each Division. Boats competing from other clubs are not eligible for these trophies.
Notice of Race
Updated April 2024
- All racing at THSC will be governed by the rules as defined in the ISAF Racing Rules of Sailing, the prescriptions of the CYA and these instructions.
- The THSC Race Committee reserves the right to amend these sailing instructions. Amendments will be posted on the THSC Race notice board at least one hour prior to the first start of the race for which they will be in force.
- All participants should be fully aware of the OSA concussion protocols and recommendations.
- In the event that there are insufficient race committee crew for any club race, the Race Fleet Captain may call on crew from as many boats as necessary to make up a race committee.
- It is the sole responsibility of each boat to determine whether they will start or continue in any race.
- If the Race Committee determines that it is unsafe for them to participate in any race, that race will be cancelled.
- Each boat intending to race shall hold a valid PHRF certificate as qualifying results will be submitted to PHRF-LO at the end of the season.
- Those boats possessing a valid PHRF certificate are eligible and cordially invited to participate in ABYC racing.
- Any boat that does not hold a valid PHRF certificate will be allowed to race in THSC races and will be assigned a rating by the Club handicapper. This rating will be based upon PHRF-LO Standard Boat Data with an automatic 15 point rating reduction.
- All boats must register in order to race.
- A boat can change Division for each race.
- All boats intending to race should come within hailing distance of the Race Committee vessel, either before the warning signal of the first class, or immediately after their class warning signal and report their sail number and receive acknowledgement from the Race Committee. Boats not racing shall keep clear of the starting area.
- Boats intending to race, should fly their division pennant and no other flags.
- Boats intending to race should have their anchors stowed so as not to be a safety hazard to other boats racing.
- All boats intending to race should fully satisfy Transport Canada safety regulations for boats of their size, as published by the Canadian Coast Guard in the current Boating Safety Guide.
- Each skipper of a powered boat must have a Powered Vessel Operators Certificate for operation of that vessel within the boundaries of Toronto Harbour.
- Each skipper must have a valid Pleasure Craft operator certificate.
- All boats entering THSC races must provide proof of valid insurance, including coverage for club racing events.
- All boats entering THSC races must sign a liability waiver prior to racing. Please see the Race Fleet Captain for a copy.
- All boats must have an individual aboard with a valid MROC (Marine Radio Operators Certificate).
- All boats entering THSC races must have VHF capable of receiving channel 16, 68 and 73.
- THSC radio communications will occur on channel 73.
- Race results will be calculated using the PHRF-LO handicap Time on Time system.
- ABYC or boats from other clubs are eligible for flags but not THSC club trophies.