Member Forms & Rates

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TH&SC 2025 Rates

Sailing Membership Initiation$ 1,748.48
Wet Mooring Initiation$ 2,379.30
Sailing Membership Fee$ 856.56
Crew Membership Fee$ 200.00
Junior Membership Fee$ 70.30
Capital Expense Levy$ 350.00
Launch$ 214.24
Haul Out$ 214.24
Wet Mooring (per beam linear foot)$ 80.10
Summer Storage (per square foot)$ 1.34
Summer Trailer Storage$ 136.67
Winter Storage (per square foot)$ 1.14
Kayak Storage fee$ 135.19
Shrink Wrap disposal fee$ 86.52
13% HST will be added to all fees

Obligation of Membership
All sailing members of TH&SC are obligated to complete 16 hours of work annually, in addition to one 4-hour Officer of the Day shift during the sailing season. Failure to meet these obligations of membership will result in fines be assessed to the delinquent member.

Eight missed hours of work$ 415.80
Sixteen missed hours of work$ 831.60
Missed officer of the day shift$ 207.90
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