
Each cruise will have a food theme. A sign-up sheet with a deadline will be posted on the clubhouse bulletin board to allow the club we are visiting to prearrange berths. This also helps with a food count for all our hungry cruisers. Remember there is a limit of 15 boats per cruise. Don’t wait till the last minute to sign up. If you have to cancel please have the courtesy to contact Cruising Captain Michael Smith as early as possible Using the form below. This is important for accurate food purchasing and it allows someone else to take your place.

For those of you that have yet to have the experience of sailing on a club cruise here are some great reasons to participate.

  • The opportunity to get to know other members of your own club.
  • The safety & camaraderie of sailing in a flotilla.
  • Interesting locales and other clubs’ facilities to experience.
  • Incredible meals and appetizers that your club provides for you.

    Contact Cruising Captains

    Visiting Club Courtesies

    Every licensed or registered boat on Lake Ontario must fly a Canadian flag from an aft position on their boat. Protocol requires the Canadian flag, or ensign, to be lowered at sunset, members are encouraged to show this respect.
    To promote pride in THSC as a sailing club, all members’ boats are encouraged to fly our club burgee. Modern sailing ships fly the burgee from a lanyard under the starboard spreader, while older sailing ships fly the burgee from the masthead. Powerboats fly it from a short staff on the bow. A burgee is flown only when the master is aboard.

    When cruising to a reciprocal club, a THSC burgee should be flown. Some clubs around Lake Ontario now require the sailing club burgee to be flown before they will honor the reciprocal.

    For the enjoyment of all members and visitors to THSC, every member should ensure that all halyards and lanyards are secured so that they are not annoyance. Halyards can be held away from the mast with the use of bungee cords or by attaching to a toe-rail. The use of club facilities are for the enjoyment of all members and visiting guests. Please ensure that all pets are on leashes and that you clean up after your pet.

    Reciprocal Privileges

    TH&SC permits visiting members of reciprocating clubs two free nights, with a charge of $20 per night thereafter, up to four nights per stay. Visitors must show a current membership card upon sign-in, and fly their club’s burgee. A temporary gate code is available from the Officer of the Day or the Club Steward. The following is a partial listing of the clubs offering reciprocal privileges and is provided without warranty; contact your club destination directly for updates to their policies. (Note: “full reciprocal” means the club gives our members the policy we offer, which is two free nights plus up to two additional nights @ $20/night).

    Alexandra Yacht Club (Toronto, ON)Full reciprocal.
    Aquatic Park Sailing Club (Toronto, ON)Three nights free; then $30 per night
    Ashbridge’s Bay Yacht Club (Toronto, ON)Two nights free; then $20 per night.
    Ashtabula Yacht Club (OH)Full (“in kind”) reciprocal
    Bay of Quite Yacht Club (Belleville, ON)First night $1/ft + HST; 2nd night free
    Bluffer’s Park Yacht Club (Toronto, ON)Three free nights.
    Boulevard Club Sailing Section (Toronto, ON)Full reciprocal (subject to verification)
    Brockport Yacht Club (Hamlin, NY)Full reciprocal; three-day limit
    Brockville Yacht Club (ON)Two nights free; third is $15
    Bronte Harbour Yacht Club (Oakville, ON)Three nights free
    Buffalo Canoe Club (NY)Two nights free on morring
    Buffalo Yacht Club (NY)First night free; then $1/foot (min $30)
    Burlington Sailing and Boating Club (ON)Three nights free
    Canandaigua Yacht Club (NY)“Privileges of facilties” for trailered boats
    Cathedral Bluffs Yacht Club (Toronto, ON)Full reciprocal
    CFB Trenton Yacht Club (ON)One night free.  $1.00\foot for subsequent nights + HST
    Cobourg Yacht Club (ON)One night free west of pier; then $1.30/night
    Collins Bay Yacht Club (Kingston ON)One night free if available; then $1.50/night
    Crescent Yacht Club (Chaumont, NY)First night free; then $25/night (max 3)
    Dalhousie Yacht Club (St Catherines, ON)Full reciprocal
    Dunkirk Yacht Club (NY)First night free; then $1.00/ft/night
    Eagle Creek Yacht Club (NY)First night free if slip available
    Erie Yacht Club (Erie, PA)Full reciprocal
    Etobicoke Yacht Club (Toronto, ON)Full reciprocal
    Fair Haven Yacht Club (NY)$20.00 for the first night. Second night free; third night $20.00
    Fairport Harbor Yacht Club (OH)First night free; then $20 per night
    Fairport Yacht Club (Pickering, ON)Free up to 72 hours; 3 visits per year
    Fifty-Point Yacht Club (Stoney Creek, ON)First night free
    Frenchman’s Bay Yacht Club (Pickering, ON)Full reciprocal
    Genesee Yacht Club (Rochester, NY)Free; two day limit
    Grand River Yacht Club (OH)Full reciprocal (subject to verification)
    Grimsby Yacht Club (ON)First night free; then marina rate
    Harbour City Yacht Club (ON)First night free; then marina rate
    Henderson Harbor Yacht Club (NY)Full reciprocal
    Highland Yacht Club (Toronto, ON)Three nights free
    Hudson Yacht Club (PQ)First night free then $1.40 per foot+GST+QST
    Island Yacht Club (Toronto, ON)First night free then $1.50 per foot (min $30); second night free
    Island Yacht Club (Wilson, NY)First night free then $1.50/foot
    Ithaca Yacht Club (NY)Two nights free; then $20/night
    Kingston Yacht Club (ON)First night free then $1.67 per foot
    Lakeshore Yacht Club (Toronto, ON)Two nights free; then $20/night
    LaSalle Yacht Club (NY)First night free; then $1/foot (max $30)
    Macassa Bay Yacht Club (ON)Two nights free
    Mentor Lagoons Yacht Club (OH)Up to three nights dockage
    Mimico Cruising Club (Toronto, ON)Full reciprocal
    National Yacht Club (Toronto, ON)Full reciprocal
    Newport Yacht Club (ON)Two nights free; then $30/night
    Niagara-on-the Lake Sailing Club (ON)Reserved $1.00/foot; Non-reservation one night free
    Oak Orchard Yacht Club (Point Breeze, NY)First night $20.00; second free; thrid and fourth $20.00
    Oakville Club (ON)First night free; then $30.00+HST/night
    Oakville Power Boat Club (ON)Full reciprocal
    Oakville Yacht Squadron (ON)Two nights free; extra free nights possible
    Olcott Yacht Club (NY)Up to two nights free
    Oswego Yacht Club (NY)First night free; then marina rate
    Point Breeze Yacht Club (NY)First night free; then marina rate
    Pointe Claire Yacht Club (QC)Full reciprocal
    Port Credit Yacht Club  (ON)First night free; then $1.25/foot (2 free/year)
    Port Dover Yacht Club (ON)First night free; then $1.25/foot
    Port Hope Yacht Club (ON)First night free; then $15.00/night
    Port of Newcastle Marina (ON)Full reciprocal
    Port Whitby Marina (ON)First night free
    Presque Isle Yacht Club (ON)First night free; subsequent nights $20
    Prince Edward Yacht Club (ON)First night $24; second night free
    Pultneyville Yacht Club (NY)Two nights free; then $10/night
    Queen City Yacht Club (Toronto, ON)Full reciprocal; (3 nights, twice a year)
    Rochester Yacht Club (NY)First night free; then $1.00/per foot
    Royal Canadian Yacht Club (Toronto, ON)Reservation $1.00/foot; non-reservation first night free
    Royal Hamilton Yacht Club (ON)Full reciprocal
    Royal St. Lawrence Yacht Club (ON)First night free; then $1.80/foot
    Scarborough Bluffs Sailing Club (Toronto, ON)Three nights free – draft less than 4 feet
    Smuggler’s Cove Boat Club (ON)First night free; second $10; third $15
    Sodus Bay Yacht Club (Sodus Point, NY)First night free; then $25US per night
    Stormont Yacht Club (ON)Two nights free; then $20/night
    Thousand Islands Yacht Club (Iroquois, ON)First night free; then $1.20/foot
    Toronto Humber Yacht Club (ON)Two nights free; 3 bridges limit access
    Toronto Multihull Cruising Club (Toronto, ON)Two nights free; then $15.00/night
    Toronto Sailing & Canoe Club (Toronto, ON)No charge for “stays of a reasonable duration”
    Trident Yacht Club (ON)Two nights free; then $1.25/foot – minimum $25
    Tuscarora Yacht Club (Wilson, NY)Full reciprocal
    Whitby Yacht Club (ON)Full reciprocal
    Wilson Yacht Club (NY)Free; limit of two nights
    Yacht Club de Quebec (QC)One free night; once a year
    Youngstown Yacht Club (NY)First night free; then $1/foot
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