Sponsor Our Team!

Family Homelessness & Violence Against Women

  • On any given night there are over 8,000 people in Toronto, including families who are seeking shelter
  • On any given night in Canada, more than 3,000 women (along with their 2,500 children) are living in an emergency shelter to escape domestic violence

About Red Door

  • The Red Door provides safe, emergency shelter and support services to women and families in crisis
  • The Red Door Family Shelter is an innovative shelter community comprised of two emergency shelters and an active outreach program operating in Leslieville and Toronto’s east end since 1982
    • One services families experiencing homelessness
    • One services women and children escaping violence
    • On any given night, approximately two-thirds of the residents are children and youth
  • We provide support to approximately 350 families every year through the two shelters and the outreach program
  • In addition to individual casework and counselling, our range of supportive programming includes:
    • Children and Youth Program
    • Health and Wellness Program
    • Housing & Outreach Support Program
    • Access to education and employment opportunities
    • Interpretation services
    • Moving Program

Impact of COVID-19

As an essential service, The Red Door continue to serve families at our two shelters, as well as recently housed families through our outreach services. We are grateful to our frontline staff for their dedication.

There has been a dramatic increase in the number of incidences of domestic violence since the COVID-19 pandemic hit. When isolation and social distancing become imposed out of necessity, many women and their children have nowhere else to turn to for support.

Your support, particularly at this unprecedented time, is deeply appreciated. With community fundraising events cancelled or postponed indefinitely, we are facing a major funding shortfall that we need for our support programs this year.

We’re in This Together

In times like these, we are reminded of just how important it is to be there for one another. The basic needs and rights for all of us to be safe, healthy, and happy become ever clearer in the face of a crisis.

We are truly grateful at the Red Door to be part of a community of care – the generosity and support that we receive from people like you, and in turn the help and critical support that we are able to provide for those in need: mothers fleeing intimate partner violence, refugees, and homeless families with nowhere else to turn. Your support helps each family who comes through our doors to heal and build a brighter future.

When we work together to help each other, we change lives. We ensure that no one is left behind, and we build a better, stronger community.

All donations over $20 are eligible for a tax receipt.

To donate online, please visit: https://sna.etapestry.com/fundraiser/WoodGreenRedDoorFamilyShelter/reddoorchampionsfy21/donate.do?sponsor=3983.0.773271912

Click on SPONSOR OUR TEAM to make sure your donation goes to our total.

We also gratefully accept cheques payable to:
Red Door Family Shelter
21 Carlaw Avenue
Toronto, ON M4M 2R6

Or you can fill out a form provided and donate cash at the Club on Launch Day.

For more information, contact: Kirsten Cooney
Fundraising Coordinator, Community Initiatives & Events
e: kcooney@reddoorshelter.ca
w: www.reddoorshelter.ca
c: 416-577-6659

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